9mm Eds Photos: Bread Butt Stache
9mm Eds Photos: Bread Butt Stache
9mm Eds Photos: At the Chicago Corinthian Yacht Club with Traci, Frank and Michelle.
9mm Eds Photos: At the Chicago Corinthian Yacht Club with Traci, Frank and Michelle.
9mm Eds Photos: At the Chicago Corinthian Yacht Club with Traci, Frank and Michelle.
9mm Eds Photos: Das Band
9mm Eds Photos: Das Band
9mm Eds Photos: GIF- style fun
9mm Eds Photos: GIF- style fun
9mm Eds Photos: GIF- style fun
9mm Eds Photos: GIF- style fun
9mm Eds Photos: IMG_2791
9mm Eds Photos: We had no idea how good those pigs-inna-blankets were till the Monolith appeared.
9mm Eds Photos: 2013: Year of the selfie.
9mm Eds Photos: Oy. I need blackout curtains for my studio. :(
9mm Eds Photos: Not complaining, but while it's in the negatives outside, my place is downright tropical.
9mm Eds Photos: Frozen Chicago
9mm Eds Photos: Frozen Chicago
9mm Eds Photos: Not really closed?
9mm Eds Photos: My former mortal coil
9mm Eds Photos: James Lee: American Badass
9mm Eds Photos: As the "high-functioning sociopath."
9mm Eds Photos: Sherlock and She-lock.
9mm Eds Photos: KC as Lost's Dr. Chang!
9mm Eds Photos: STAR TIME!
9mm Eds Photos: Steff Bomb: MST3K represent!
9mm Eds Photos: Steff Bomb: MST3K represent!
9mm Eds Photos: Kristina made the birthday cake!