riomaro: West End Ave. and 105th St.
riomaro: amplitude
riomaro: DSC_8273
riomaro: DSC_8272
riomaro: DSC_7966
riomaro: BAM opera
riomaro: old money
riomaro: Ralph Lauren
riomaro: DSC_7723
riomaro: à huis clos
riomaro: Pepolino
riomaro: DSC_0114
riomaro: Chelsea, New York
riomaro: light at the end of a corridor
riomaro: Café con Perón (or his ghost, perhaps)
riomaro: Museo Nacional de Arte Decorativo
riomaro: DSC_7098
riomaro: DSC_7095
riomaro: ventana de esperanza
riomaro: DSC_6485
riomaro: bent and wrinkled
riomaro: St. Thomas mystery door
riomaro: red door
riomaro: braids
riomaro: DSC_6033
riomaro: outboard shades
riomaro: DSC_0026
riomaro: OK, so they're not real balconies, but they are bulletproof!
riomaro: Upper East Side windows
riomaro: Volunteer House door