Dаz: Epiphone 335
Dаz: With Lights Out EP - B Side
Dаz: With Lights Out EP - A Side
Dаz: Pump up the volume
Dаz: 20/365 # Anyone can play guitar
Dаz: 24/365 # Red Light Company
Dаz: 42/365 # Pretend shredding
Dаz: 53/365 # That was SOME gig
Dаz: 54/365 # The end of something . . .
Dаz: 59/365 # Playing with myself
Dаz: 65/365 # The boney king of nowhere
Dаz: 67/365 # Can't shout, can't scream
Dаz: 69/365 # Found that soul
Dаz: 71/365 # Hail to the thief?
Dаz: 73/365 # Gu-DJING!
Dаz: Day 73 outtake #1 - Cone Goblin meets Umbrella Man
Dаz: 77/365 # Maskerade
Dаz: 79/365 # Gig night #1
Dаz: 86/365 # Gig night #2
Dаz: 107/365 # I wanna go where The Wildhearts go
Dаz: 108/365 # Ginger's pick
Dаz: 115/365 # Pretentious guitarist's pose #1
Dаz: 258/365 # Pretentious guitarist's pose #2
Dаz: Jon @ RLC
Dаz: 345/365 # Journal For Plague Lovers
Dаz: // 52_Sixty-eight // Old habits
Dаz: // 52_Eighty-five // Play that funky music
Dаz: Viva la Resistance