A window in Amsterdam: udjat / wedjat eye or eye of Horus - Egypt
A window in Amsterdam: Greek silver ring depicting Ajax
A window in Amsterdam: Greek silver ring depicting Ajax
A window in Amsterdam: Sassanid bronze vase - Persia
A window in Amsterdam: Oven stove tile
A window in Amsterdam: Stoneware jug - Rhineland
A window in Amsterdam: Bartmann jug - Rhineland, Germany
A window in Amsterdam: Bartmann jug - Rhineland, Germany
A window in Amsterdam: Oak ornament - Western Europe
A window in Amsterdam: Carving - Holland
A window in Amsterdam: Brass cast of Henry IV of France - after/by Guillaume Dupré
A window in Amsterdam: Brass cast of Henry IV of France - after/by Guillaume Dupré
A window in Amsterdam: Brass cast of Henry IV of France - by/after Guillaume Dupré
A window in Amsterdam: Leopard tile - The Netherlands
A window in Amsterdam: Church candelstick - Holland
A window in Amsterdam: Heemskirk candlestick - The Netherlands
A window in Amsterdam: Candlestick Louis XIII - France
A window in Amsterdam: A pair of brass Louis XIV candlesticks - probably Dutch
A window in Amsterdam: Candlestick Louis XVI - France
A window in Amsterdam: Ink drawing - Western Europe
A window in Amsterdam: Porcelain saucer by M.O.L. - The Netherlands
A window in Amsterdam: Box for sulfur matches - Holland
A window in Amsterdam: Box for sulfur matches - Holland
A window in Amsterdam: Cameo brooch depicting Hebe feeding the eagle of Zeus - Italy
A window in Amsterdam: Cameo brooch depicting Hebe feeding the eagle of Zeus - Italy
A window in Amsterdam: Ormolu object - France
A window in Amsterdam: Miniature brass hand
A window in Amsterdam: Miniature brass hand