skookums 1: mmm good water
skookums 1: here's lookin at you kid
skookums 1: what did you say
skookums 1: snuggles for everyone
skookums 1: play time
skookums 1: on guard
skookums 1: slowly but surely
skookums 1: resting
skookums 1: twinkies
skookums 1: intensity
skookums 1: can i have a moment to groom
skookums 1: lovely pool with a touch of orange
skookums 1: hangin out with my flickr friends
skookums 1: i'm relaxin do you mind?
skookums 1: sitting pretty
skookums 1: this is my devious side
skookums 1: slow rollin
skookums 1: shhh maybe they wont see me
skookums 1: smooth
skookums 1: natural beauty
skookums 1: my better side
skookums 1: twice as nice
skookums 1: i'm lookin out for you
skookums 1: true colors shining thru
skookums 1: are you serious?
skookums 1: grazing
skookums 1: you have my attention
skookums 1: don't worry be happy
skookums 1: tiger calm
skookums 1: licking my lips for you