Roman Popelar: Mylingur, Faroe Islands
3Bluejays: Townsend's Warbler
3Bluejays: Townsend's Warbler
3Bluejays: White-tailed Kite
3Bluejays: Rock Wren
3Bluejays: Curve-billed Thrasher
Roman Popelar: Vestrahorn, Iceland
Roman Popelar: Skutafoss, Iceland
3Bluejays: Black-headed Grosbeak
3Bluejays: Fritillary of some variety.
3Bluejays: Double-crested Cormorant
Roman Popelar: Haifoss, Iceland
3Bluejays: Rufous Hummingbird
3Bluejays: Black-crowned Night-Heron
3Bluejays: Red Squirrel
3Bluejays: Great Horned Owl
3Bluejays: Western Tanager
3Bluejays: Pygmy Nuthatch
3Bluejays: The huddle
3Bluejays: Broad-tailed Hummingbird
3Bluejays: Red-naped Sapsucker
3Bluejays: Pygmy Nuthatch
3Bluejays: Marta Moose
3Bluejays: Vesper sparrow
3Bluejays: Red-winged Blackbird
3Bluejays: Cat.
3Bluejays: Wood Duck
3Bluejays: Red-tailed Hawk