nic.robinson98: Nic photos from old camera 008
nic.robinson98: Nic photos from old camera 009
nic.robinson98: The setting.
nic.robinson98: North facing wall the house and barn
nic.robinson98: Facing south east corner of barn
nic.robinson98: Barn due west
nic.robinson98: View from the south looking up the hill
nic.robinson98: Duck pond
nic.robinson98: Enclosure around the duck pond
nic.robinson98: Barn on left house on right
nic.robinson98: Nic photos from old camera 018
nic.robinson98: Nic photos from old camera 019
nic.robinson98: Nic photos from old camera 021
nic.robinson98: Kitchen diner 4pm ish
nic.robinson98: Living room?
nic.robinson98: Front door flanked by 2 date palms
nic.robinson98: View from south
nic.robinson98: Start of land on the left
nic.robinson98: Nic's nearly house neighbours across the road
nic.robinson98: Nic's nearly house Fabrice looking around the barn
nic.robinson98: Nic's nearly house 012
nic.robinson98: Nic's nearly house 015
nic.robinson98: Bread oven
nic.robinson98: Nic's nearly house 025
nic.robinson98: Nic's nearly house 027
nic.robinson98: First View
nic.robinson98: Map of Burel Ouest
nic.robinson98: View from Bedroom to East
nic.robinson98: Cute Chimney