202: Mineral water, Kathmandu style...
202: "Local" cuisine
202: Typical Kathmandu "view"
202: Photographing the photographer
202: A hard day in Pokhara
202: Annapurna range from Sarangkot
202: Oh, the sun is rising @ Sarangkot
202: I had a dream @ Sarangkot
202: Sarangkot views
202: Rice fields by Phewa lake
202: Morning bath
202: Peak hour traffic at Kathmandu
202: Nehba rehearsal
202: World Peace Pagoda (Stupa)
202: Pokhara view from the World Peace Pagoda
202: Andrea and a tibetian guy
202: Katrin and Katya @ Kathmandu's Everest Steak House
202: CIWEC clinic
202: Road obstacles @ Pokhara
202: What does not belong?
202: End of conflict(?)
202: The stupa @ Swayambunath
202: Buddha's eyes @ Swayambunath
202: Laughs over breakfast @ Kathmandu
202: Spin a little prayer for me
202: I was sure there was a monkey in the frame
202: Yawn!