Pejasar: On the road again
Jay ䷁ Den (Jayarr Denson): Bright-eyed and Bushy-tailed II
Harald Steeg: Passiflora
Jayris Lin: 台南蜜月A (37)
SnapsByTodd62: Fontana di Trevi
SnapsByTodd62: Grand Canyon
Jason Doss: The Moon
Jayris Lin: 城市片段科教天文館JPG-2
donovan_terry: Golden dahlia
donovan_terry: Scarlet dahlia
donovan_terry: White/lavender dahlia
donovan_terry: Dusty dude Will
donovan_terry: "Come stroke Rufus fur"
doc030395: A Gentle Creature . . . ( In Explore - Thank You! )
Insher: Noordinary
Ellen's!!: pots
analogtexas: Double-striped Bluets Make a Heart
analogtexas: Blue Dashers
Neal3K: Exit Now
walterjeffords: Eastern Carpenter Bee
hwicker: No cats were harmed in the filming of this project
maleski.dustin231: Autumns beautiful colors
hwicker: river in motion
hwicker: Ten minutes in the backyard - White-Throated Sparrow
hwicker: Ten minutes in the backyard - Song Sparrow
hwicker: Ten minutes in the backyard - Red-Winged Blackbird
madlyr: Vanilla ice cream
madlyr: Indeterminacy at dusk
madlyr: Summer twilight after the rain