knitsandwich: V) Waiting for Transport Peach Springs 8.22.15
knitsandwich: U) Take-out at Diamond Creek 8.22.15
knitsandwich: T) Preparing Lunch at Indian Rock 8.21.15
knitsandwich: S) Laundry Tree at Parashant Wash 8.20.15
knitsandwich: R) Jon Tells a Story of Truth and Enlightenment 8.20.15
knitsandwich: R) Brien, Chris and Kristin on the Raft 8.19.15
knitsandwich: Q) On the River by Fern Glen 8.19.15
knitsandwich: P) Twilight at Tuck-up Canyon 8.18.15
knitsandwich: o) Figuring Out the Frets, Tuck-up Canyon 8.18.15
knitsandwich: N) Havasu Creek 8.19.15
knitsandwich: M) Lower Ledges Puppy Pile 8.17.15
knitsandwich: L) Kanab Creek Swiftly Moving Light 8.17.15
knitsandwich: K) On the Rocks at Kanab Creek
knitsandwich: J) the Patio at Deer Creek 8.17.15
knitsandwich: I) Galloway Camp 8.16.15
knitsandwich: H) Stone Creek Falls 8.16.15
knitsandwich: G) Football Field, Below Elves Chasm 8.14.15
knitsandwich: F) Elves Chasm 8.14.15
knitsandwich: E) Prayer Flags, Schist camp 8.13.15
knitsandwich: D) Cardenas Creek 8.12.15
knitsandwich: C) Waiting for Rain, Nankoweap Canyon 8.11.15
knitsandwich: B) Nankoweap Canyon 8.10.15
knitsandwich: A) soap creek 8.8.15