speederpoussin: It starts to get hot and dangerous
speederpoussin: Honfleur little China (Normandy, France)
speederpoussin: Salix babylonica's leaves on the Seine - Saule pleureur sur la Seine
speederpoussin: happy like a sheep in Normandy - Heureux comme une chèvre en Normandie
speederpoussin: Un p'tit air de Normandie - a little peaceful place from Normandie
speederpoussin: flax - lin fibre (Linum usitatissimum L.)
speederpoussin: Le Gros Horloge (Rouen, France)
speederpoussin: Sur la croisette à Deauville- On the steps of American actors in Deauville (Normandie, France)
speederpoussin: "trembling pin" - broche trembleuse (watercolor made from original pin of Rouen Arts Museum RMM Rouen - France, XVIII century (?) - Legs Izarn, Inv. 1141)
speederpoussin: My tribute to Kiraz