DOKTOR WAUMIAU: Bound by the Same
Harvey Licht: Kelpie - Falkirk
Mustafa Selcuk: Window Study
Sam Benari: Untitled, London 2017
Bill Morgan: Behind the door
Bill Morgan: Girls on the street
Bill Morgan: Pizza and beer
Bill Morgan: In the window
belly.1964: Daphne Steele Building
Andre T 44: Condensation à ma fenêtre
Jabi Artaraz: Autoretratoa Aldaminen Anbotoruntz begira egunsentia iritsi baino lehen The Bridge
Sinclair’s: Dukes Nose
Leanne Boulton: Raising an Eyebrow
Andreas Mamoukas Photography: Thessaloniki, street photography
A Great Capture: Snowy and rainy days of April
Carl's Captures: Another Click in the Wall
Felix Lupa: *****
ЈΘŠΞПΔ72: Habana Streets 15