2008Grandma: Ingrid & Andrew
2008Grandma: Aviva framed
2008Grandma: Vancouver 2010 Olympic mittens
2008Grandma: Sarah & Harold
2008Grandma: Four Generations
2008Grandma: Aunt Freda & Harold
2008Grandma: Two of the lovely bridesmaids
2008Grandma: Maid of Honour, Aviva
2008Grandma: A lovely threesome
2008Grandma: Here they come!
2008Grandma: Proud parents escorting the bride
2008Grandma: Say after me
2008Grandma: With this ring.........
2008Grandma: Eyes all to the front
2008Grandma: Glad that parts over with!
2008Grandma: Aviva with Zachary
2008Grandma: Parents of the bride
2008Grandma: I'll just sit a minute
2008Grandma: Harold & Katie
2008Grandma: Ingrid with the happy couple
2008Grandma: Bride & Groom and I
2008Grandma: Cousins
2008Grandma: Rachel & Ian cutting the cake
2008Grandma: Lena and I
2008Grandma: Let's dance......
2008Grandma: We are family.........
2008Grandma: Barry & I infront of ice sculpture
2008Grandma: Some of the Elzufon Family
2008Grandma: Ingrid, Aunt Freda and I
2008Grandma: Andrew and Harold