anhsphoto_busy!!: My work in Family Kitchen (bếp gia đình) magazine
anhsphoto_busy!!: My chocolate photos + article on Đẹp (Beauty) Magazine
anhsphoto_busy!!: My photos and article on My mother's food
anhsphoto_busy!!: My photos and article on vegetables in Beauty Magazine
anhsphoto_busy!!: Layout for kimchi article
anhsphoto_busy!!: Cupcake article + recipes + photos
anhsphoto_busy!!: Summer food and drink
anhsphoto_busy!!: My new article on Dep Magazine on {Eat, Pray, Love}
anhsphoto_busy!!: A feature about me and my recipe on Vietnamese Family Kitchen magazine
anhsphoto_busy!!: My work in Dep's fall issue
anhsphoto_busy!!: My Quinoa Soup in A Viet Food Mag