rorydoesntexist: Skytop quarry
rorydoesntexist: Kaiva standing next to tree (for size reference)
rorydoesntexist: Skytop quarry
rorydoesntexist: Skytop quarry
rorydoesntexist: Skytop quarry
rorydoesntexist: Skytop quarry
rorydoesntexist: Skytop quarry
rorydoesntexist: Skytop quarry
rorydoesntexist: Skytop quarry
rorydoesntexist: Anna and amber in oakwood
rorydoesntexist: salmon river falls
rorydoesntexist: salmon river falls
rorydoesntexist: salmon river falls
rorydoesntexist: salmon river falls
rorydoesntexist: salmon river falls
rorydoesntexist: salmon river falls