tsprouse: The Orcutt Estate in West Hills has designated a portion of the property as a community garden, open to local residents to rent plots and grow their own fruits and vegetables.
tsprouse: Oranges - Orcutt Ranch
tsprouse: Message Board - Orcutt Ranch Community Garden
tsprouse: Message Board - Orcutt Ranch Community Garden
tsprouse: Orcutt Ranch - irrigation system under refurbishment
tsprouse: Citrus trees
tsprouse: Poppies - Orcutt Ranch
tsprouse: Orange grove - Orcutt Ranch
tsprouse: Poppies - Orcutt Ranch
tsprouse: Orange grove
tsprouse: Notice of possible fee increase for community garden plots in Orcutt Ranch
tsprouse: Weeds and overgrown plot
tsprouse: Orcutt Ranch Community Garden
tsprouse: Bell pepper plant
tsprouse: Locked plot - Orcutt Ranch Community Garden
tsprouse: IMG_0967
tsprouse: Community Garden at Orcutt Ranch
tsprouse: Garden lizard
tsprouse: IMG_0976
tsprouse: Garden supplies
tsprouse: Collard greens
tsprouse: Red leaf lettece and spring onions
tsprouse: Fallen orange
tsprouse: Orchard worker - Orcutt Ranch
tsprouse: Artichoke bush
tsprouse: A-frame plant beds
tsprouse: Rusty wires
tsprouse: Dandelion greens
tsprouse: IMG_0921
tsprouse: Empty plot