cris b lenz:
Caballos en la pradera - Horses in the meadow
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Caballos salvajes - Wild horses
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El hombre de campo - The country man
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Vivir en el Botánico - Living in the Botanical
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Galope - Gallop
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Al amparo - Under protection
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Carnero en el arte - Ram in art
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Su pureza - Its purity
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Ciervos apacibles - Gentle deer
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Oso en reposo - Bear at rest
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Huida - Flight
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Kavaju (caballo en guaraní) - kavaju (horse in Guaraní)
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El mejor lugar - The best place
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Tan recompensado - So rewarded
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Servicio de té - Tea service
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ATUK (lobo en quechua) - ATUK (wolf in Quechua)
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Paraíso invernal - Winter Wonderland
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En la costa arenosa - On the sandy coast
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Animales a bordo - Animals Aboard