1yen: en route to Helsinki!
1yen: Baltic Blue
1yen: the booze is cheaper in Estonia
1yen: Helsinki Dom
1yen: cathedral steps
1yen: Helsinki Cathedral
1yen: Helsinki Cathedral
1yen: one more
1yen: another selfer
1yen: sun burst
1yen: Tulips
1yen: Uspenski Cathedral
1yen: food stall vendor
1yen: Finnish berries
1yen: Neulamuikut
1yen: Elämänpolkuja - Life Paths
1yen: Silence Still Governs Our Consciousness
1yen: vintage bench
1yen: interactive art
1yen: Johannesskirche
1yen: statues in the park
1yen: graduation at the dom
1yen: graduation ceremonies
1yen: graduation ceremonies
1yen: reindeer meat, elk meat, boar meat...
1yen: local
1yen: market food
1yen: long days on the marina
1yen: marina blur
1yen: Finish on top, Swedish on bottom