1yen: ah...back when I had hair
1yen: old school entertainment
1yen: wedding invitation
1yen: preserved
1yen: 1969
1yen: how to shave
1yen: packing discussions
1yen: Haifa corner
1yen: Ramot Sapir sunset
1yen: מורן
1yen: untitled-36.jpg
1yen: untitled-37.jpg
1yen: untitled-38.jpg
1yen: untitled-39.jpg
1yen: knives from the Dan hotel
1yen: blessing for the home
1yen: untitled-46.jpg
1yen: pita bread
1yen: shai and safta
1yen: typical spread
1yen: random trinkets
1yen: vintage thermos
1yen: as good as sliced bread
1yen: old school panini maker
1yen: soft boiled eggs
1yen: eggs to go
1yen: schwarma salad bar
1yen: schwarma
1yen: schwarma b'lafa
1yen: shai digging in