1yen: Dawn over Rt. 2
1yen: Flat Tire
1yen: beautiful day
1yen: the navigator
1yen: covered boulders
1yen: more skinning
1yen: sun and bumps
1yen: under Jove
1yen: Union Peak
1yen: one step at a time
1yen: Backside of Jove
1yen: skin track
1yen: fresh blanket of corn
1yen: almost there
1yen: Glacier Peak
1yen: last steps
1yen: Cascade Panorama
1yen: pointy cascades
1yen: another look at Glacier
1yen: Wes at the Summit
1yen: Air Wes
1yen: air wes
1yen: carving up the corn
1yen: airing the cornice
1yen: sweet sweet corn
1yen: silky turns
1yen: Wes carving
1yen: all smiles
1yen: our mark on the mountain
1yen: Glacier Peak