1yen: Mt. Rainier from above
1yen: club stairs
1yen: light details
1yen: advice from a great uncle
1yen: Eyton and Safta
1yen: boys and her safta
1yen: The Macagon Family
1yen: old boys club
1yen: dapper dan
1yen: Bob, Nate, and Ron
1yen: head of the table
1yen: sister & brother
1yen: Ron giving a toast to his dad
1yen: Eyton warming up the crowd
1yen: Eyton delivering the punchline
1yen: Bob Seinfeld giving a toast
1yen: captivated
1yen: Dr. Shapiro
1yen: Mike Russek
1yen: Marina gives a toast
1yen: Nate Zelazo
1yen: Nate
1yen: grandpa & safta
1yen: the legend