1yen: shadows
1yen: love that $8.50 beer
1yen: Safeco
1yen: Ichiro
1yen: Manny
1yen: Washington native John Lester
1yen: mound meeting
1yen: the closer, Jonathon Papelbon
1yen: on our way to a shutout
1yen: Crisp at bat
1yen: this guy is a loser
1yen: HDR foul poul
1yen: cloudy safeco
1yen: The All-Star MVP
1yen: Dice-K and Pedroia
1yen: Ichiro
1yen: USA
1yen: mixed emotions
1yen: W&B
1yen: the look of trouble
1yen: Go Sox
1yen: do the wave