1yen: tetris packing
1yen: dawn blur
1yen: direction check
1yen: arriving at Quincy 1
1yen: arriving at Quincy 3
1yen: arriving at Quincy 2
1yen: base camp
1yen: let the fun begin
1yen: Vida Girls
1yen: Christine and Shawn
1yen: Vida Girls sax player
1yen: Vida Girls
1yen: wind blowin' through my hair
1yen: so cold, but sooo gooood
1yen: Bourgeois Gypsies
1yen: grandstand tongue stickout
1yen: Bourgeois Gypsies
1yen: breakfast burritos
1yen: some camp time
1yen: nice hate Joel
1yen: sippin' juice
1yen: Wil Blades on the Hammond
1yen: Will Bernard directing
1yen: hammond b-3 and bass
1yen: art
1yen: parking lot entertainment
1yen: mandolin picker
1yen: Bucky Walters
1yen: T-squared love eachother so much
1yen: shadebrella