1yen: clicking in
1yen: stretch
1yen: fireroad up
1yen: tree
1yen: break in the cloud layers
1yen: Kendall Knob
1yen: DSC04440
1yen: above the clouds...below the clouds
1yen: DSC04442
1yen: DSC04443
1yen: DSC04444
1yen: DSC04445
1yen: DSC04446
1yen: DSC04447
1yen: DSC04448
1yen: DSC04449
1yen: DSC04450
1yen: snow column
1yen: DSC04452
1yen: Skinning up
1yen: Wrobel at the Summit
1yen: Kendall Peak in the background
1yen: rainy summit
1yen: looking east from the summit
1yen: Kendall Knob
1yen: cross
1yen: making my mark