oneVillage Initiative: OAU CTC 2001
oneVillage Initiative: OAU CTC tour
oneVillage Initiative: OAU Computer Technology Center 2001
oneVillage Initiative: OAU email room
oneVillage Initiative: OAU future CTC
oneVillage Initiative: OAU Internet
oneVillage Initiative: OAU PR/Alumni Julius
oneVillage Initiative: OAU Palm farm
oneVillage Initiative: OAU techies
oneVillage Initiative: OAU staff @ computer center
oneVillage Initiative: Oladele and NOC Administrator of OAU
oneVillage Initiative: Internet frenzy
oneVillage Initiative: Preparing for another cyber cafe
oneVillage Initiative: Private cyber cafe on OAU
oneVillage Initiative: Private cyber cafe on OAU
oneVillage Initiative: Private cyber cafe on OAU
oneVillage Initiative: State Road System
oneVillage Initiative: Broken Car at night
oneVillage Initiative: Pushing car in OAU, Ile-Ife, Nigeria
oneVillage Initiative: Dapo / Joy and OAU students in Ile-Ife, Nigeria
oneVillage Initiative: Children of Nigeria