first_msc: 346th Transportation Battalion Change of Command Ceremony
first_msc: 346th Transportation Battalion Change of Command Ceremony
first_msc: 346th Transportation Battalion Change of Command Ceremony
first_msc: 346th Transportation Battalion Change of Command Ceremony
first_msc: 346th Transportation Battalion Change of Command Ceremony
first_msc: 346th Transportation Battalion Change of Command Ceremony
first_msc: 346th Transportation Battalion Change of Command Ceremony
first_msc: 346th Transportation Battalion Change of Command Ceremony
first_msc: 346th Transportation Battalion Change of Command Ceremony
first_msc: 346th Transportation Battalion Change of Command Ceremony
first_msc: 346th Transportation Battalion Change of Command Ceremony
first_msc: 346th Transportation Battalion Change of Command Ceremony
first_msc: 346th Transportation Battalion Change of Command Ceremony
first_msc: 346th Transportation Battalion Change of Command Ceremony
first_msc: 346th Transportation Battalion Change of Command Ceremony
first_msc: 346th Transportation Battalion Change of Command Ceremony