1sock: Sunset on the water
1sock: Time for reflection
1sock: From the south shore of Loch Lomond
1sock: Inundation
1sock: Quaint Lagoon
1sock: Reflection
1sock: Reflection
1sock: Top of Lincoln Creek Rd
1sock: Where the Reflection Ends
1sock: Seeing Stars
1sock: Liquid Reproduction
1sock: Event Horizon
1sock: Deep Blue Calm
1sock: A Bird in Flight Perhaps
1sock: Sweat Box - Don't Misbehave
1sock: Soggy Feet
1sock: Reaching
1sock: Perspective Askew
1sock: Reflections of Home
1sock: Reflections of an Urban World
1sock: Icy Reflection
1sock: Portal Obscured
1sock: Down by the old mill stream
1sock: Dingle Reflection
1sock: Country Reflections
1sock: North across Ponchartrain
1sock: Wooded Shoreline
1sock: Big Pool - from mid-lake
1sock: Big Pool - from the boat ramp
1sock: As if from the pages of history