1sock: Path through the marsh
1sock: A field of white
1sock: Spring flowers
1sock: White stalks
1sock: Nature's fireworks
1sock: A frog's view
1sock: Pour me another ...
1sock: Killer rabbit?
1sock: Soldier lines
1sock: The Tower
1sock: Almost blackberry season
1sock: Quit bothering me
1sock: Determination
1sock: Reflection
1sock: Canyon
1sock: Reflection
1sock: Red Berries
1sock: Behind the Lock
1sock: Contrasting Canopy
1sock: Collinearity
1sock: The Easy Way
1sock: Upstream
1sock: Millions of Wishes
1sock: Bird Treats
1sock: Pretty Purple Flowers
1sock: Deep Blue Calm
1sock: Event Horizon
1sock: Liquid Reproduction
1sock: Autumn Canopy
1sock: End of the Season