1Q89: 1. Happy New Year
1Q89: 2. Paper sliding doors
1Q89: 3.. Red against blue
1Q89: 4. New Year’s nightmare
1Q89: 5. Dusk
1Q89: 6. First snow in Tokyo
1Q89: 7. Fine day
1Q89: 8. A carp
1Q89: 9. Lamps
1Q89: 10. At night
1Q89: 11. A tiny suspension bridge
1Q89: 12. Wired
1Q89: 13. Last Sushi
1Q89: 14. Sunrise
1Q89: 15. Grey
1Q89: 16. Someone left an elephant
1Q89: 17. The Wolf Moon
1Q89: 18. Frost
1Q89: 19. Sky clearing up
1Q89: 20. Sushi
1Q89: 21. Rough
1Q89: 23. Boxes
1Q89: 24. Chocolates
1Q89: 25. Hyacinths
1Q89: 26. Winter
1Q89: 22. Hyacinths
1Q89: 27. A late night train
1Q89: 28. Cold
1Q89: 29. Rosy
1Q89: 30. The Elephant Vanished