1Q89: 1. Feral parakeets
1Q89: 2. Empty office
1Q89: 3. Unused
1Q89: 4. Comfort food
1Q89: 5. Self Care
1Q89: 6. A very large Korean pear
1Q89: 7. Trees and clouds
1Q89: 8. Buds
1Q89: 9. Sunset
1Q89: 10. Empty Shopping Centre
1Q89: 11. Old and new
1Q89: 12. Persimmon
1Q89: 13. Cabbage
1Q89: 14. Raindrops
1Q89: 15. Sky
1Q89: 16. An alley
1Q89: 17. Gong!
1Q89: 18. New ear plugs
1Q89: 19. A new recipe
1Q89: 20. Lemon
1Q89: 21. Morning
1Q89: 22. Frost
1Q89: 23. Still unused
1Q89: 24. Snow
1Q89: 25. Vitamin C
1Q89: 26. Dawn
1Q89: 27. Spring is coming
1Q89: 28. Bossoming
1Q89: 29. Pinky clouds
1Q89: 30. Lined up