porchlife: Representative Maxine Waters (D - CA). Don't let the smile fool you!
porchlife: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says: F*@# your Constitutional Rights!
porchlife: I feel like I'm still being watched!
porchlife: It's time to close the lid on Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi!!
porchlife: Mysterious annoyance! Repost
porchlife: What kind of beer does Bibi drink?
porchlife: Chappaquiddick Kid bids final farewell!
porchlife: New Healthcare!
porchlife: Watson: Did you vote for this woman?
porchlife: Holder
porchlife: New Socialism!
porchlife: I love America. Honest I do!
porchlife: Don't mock the dead!
porchlife: KISS THIS Obama!
porchlife: Stolen from an email!
porchlife: How do you want that healthcare option? (picture repost)
porchlife: Barack Erkyl Obama
porchlife: The Obama Pill
porchlife: Jailbreak Toys? Do they know something we don't.
porchlife: What can we tax next?
porchlife: I need an enema!
porchlife: Why we can't pass a budget!
porchlife: Pelosicare vote on 11-7-09
porchlife: Stretching Exercises!
porchlife: Screecher of the House!
porchlife: The inept supporting the inept!
porchlife: My new motto!
porchlife: Barney Frank for Drug Czar!
porchlife: No wonder the teleprompter doesn't read right!
porchlife: The Shadow President