1Mandala.org: Peace from Budapest, Hungary: "Blessing"
1Mandala.org: [1] Peace is Solid when we connect to The Earth - Bicske, HUNGARY
1Mandala.org: [1] Peace and a Smile from Dobogókő, Hungary
1Mandala.org: Gyuri_és_Mari_Budapest
1Mandala.org: [1] "I'm happy!!!" - Gloria from Budapest, Hungary
1Mandala.org: [1] A Big Smile of Peace from Budapest, Hungary
1Mandala.org: photo 2.jpg
1Mandala.org: [1] Gooooooonnnnng! Deep Peace From Hungary
1Mandala.org: [1] Four Luminous Oms from Hungary
1Mandala.org: [1] From Hungary: "We embrace each other as we embrace the world"
1Mandala.org: Peace and Oneness to the World from Nelli Masa, Hungary
1Mandala.org: I came to the Earth recently. I brought the peace and the affection onto the Earth. Luca from Hungary
1Mandala.org: The sense of the life: My son end my grandchild. From Hungary: Százhalombatta
1Mandala.org: Peace from Budapest Hungary
1Mandala.org: Balatonalmadi,Hungary
1Mandala.org: [English] Peace Portrait of the Day: The first peace portrait from Hungary! Dunakeszi, Hungary for the 1M andala: "Békés Világot!" | http://www.1mandala.org
1Mandala.org: Peace Portrait from Hungary
1Mandala.org: Peace Portrait from Hungary
1Mandala.org: Peace Portrait from Hungary