1koolkat: Baker, pass to the left flank
1koolkat: Baker, punt
1koolkat: Atchison, left flood
1koolkat: Ball is to the right of 60, in front of Baker player
1koolkat: Janet
1koolkat: Janet, Carol
1koolkat: Catch, cool
1koolkat: Whassup?
1koolkat: Foolja
1koolkat: Band
1koolkat: Field goal
1koolkat: Nate?
1koolkat: Cool run
1koolkat: Catch
1koolkat: Blowin' Horn
1koolkat: Nate?
1koolkat: I thought he was in Moab?
1koolkat: Being cool
1koolkat: Sounding good!
1koolkat: Listening hard
1koolkat: Both fingers
1koolkat: Chin up
1koolkat: Sounding good.
1koolkat: We are family!
1koolkat: Check out my shorts!
1koolkat: Hurray!!!!
1koolkat: Hurray, twice!
1koolkat: Girls are good
1koolkat: We love the Card's
1koolkat: Catch!