hellew: Zebra Mother and Foal
hellew: Zebra coats fascinate me
hellew: Tender moment
hellew: Sossuvlei
hellew: Sossuvlei Dune
hellew: The Deadvlei
hellew: Oryx
hellew: late light
hellew: Ground_Squirrel
hellew: Flamingoes
hellew: Flamingoes
hellew: Elephants are all about family
hellew: Sossuvlei, the photographers
hellew: Dune
hellew: Balloon at Dawn
hellew: balloon dawn-4-3
hellew: Light winged starlings
hellew: 300616-3674
hellew: Restless wildlife
hellew: Restless wildlife
hellew: At a waterhole, Namibia
hellew: Wildebeast
hellew: Zebra stand off
hellew: Elephants at the Halali waterhole
hellew: Lilac Breasted Roller
hellew: Elephants are very tactile
hellew: Buddies
hellew: Elephants at Dusk
hellew: Etosha Waterhole
hellew: Etosha Waterhole