19seconds: feels like autumn
19seconds: urban joy
19seconds: retire
19seconds: split
19seconds: tree of youth
19seconds: shut the door
19seconds: tavern
19seconds: shop window
19seconds: 3rd day of riots [thessaloniki, greece]
19seconds: disarmed
19seconds: long-play
19seconds: on a red window
19seconds: what binds two lives?
19seconds: memorial
19seconds: on clouds
19seconds: at world's end
19seconds: what's inside? II
19seconds: what's inside?
19seconds: subway
19seconds: through the viewfinder
19seconds: seagaze
19seconds: shoot me
19seconds: the ring
19seconds: misty night ii
19seconds: back to black
19seconds: don't forget to turn the lights off
19seconds: you can fly away to the end of the world