melillojh: Lionfish resting on coral
melillojh: Parrotfish eating coral
melillojh: Yellow-edged lyretail, a type of grouper
melillojh: Shoal at the Satil Wreck
melillojh: A Mahsena emperor fish with other fish looking inside its gills.
melillojh: Real life Sponge Bob and Patrick
melillojh: Picasso Trigger Fish
melillojh: Aquatic Aviv
melillojh: Satil Wreck
melillojh: Two bluespotted cornetfish at 24 meters deep
melillojh: My diving partner Aviv!
melillojh: Sand Sifting Goby
melillojh: Satil Wreck
melillojh: Yellow Goatfish with two Cleaner Wrasses
melillojh: Babies Seahorses
melillojh: Just Aviv diver!
melillojh: Moorish idol
melillojh: Parrot Fish at the Satil Wreck
melillojh: Jellyfish
melillojh: Giant Grouper