grampato5: Serenity
grampato5: Northern Shoveler
grampato5: Northern Shoveler
grampato5: Wood Duck
grampato5: Cinnamon Teal
grampato5: Wood Duck
grampato5: American Coot
grampato5: Serenity
grampato5: Follow the leader
grampato5: American Wigeon
grampato5: Mallard
grampato5: Muscovy duck
grampato5: Gotta keep your wood ducks in a row!
grampato5: Cute little Grebe
grampato5: Canadian Goose up close
grampato5: Another day in nature
grampato5: Up up and away!
grampato5: Excuse Me!
grampato5: Duck among the lily pads
grampato5: Duck ballet!
grampato5: American Coot
grampato5: Preening