RSJake: Fawn 2024g
RSJake: Fawn 2024f
RSJake: Doe 2024b
RSJake: Doe 2024c
RSJake: Doe 2024d
RSJake: Fawn 2024e
RSJake: Doe in the brush 11x17
RSJake: Doe in the high grass 11x17
RSJake: Doe Pee 2 11x17
RSJake: Doe scratching flies 11x17
RSJake: Doe in the Phlox 5 11x17
RSJake: Deer 14 11x17
RSJake: Young Deer in the Brush 11x17
RSJake: Deer Spring 2024a 11x17
RSJake: Deer in Water 11x17
RSJake: Fawn Scratching 11x17
RSJake: Deer Winter Coat crop 11x17
RSJake: Deer 12 11x17
RSJake: Deer 13 11x17
RSJake: Doe Scratching 11x17
RSJake: Deer in the Snow 1 11x17
RSJake: Doe Chasing Rabbitt 11x17
RSJake: Fawn Pair 2 11x17
RSJake: Doe and Fawn in the Brush 11x17
RSJake: Doe and Two Fawn 11x17
RSJake: Deer Winter Coat 1 11x17
RSJake: Deer Winter Coat 2 11x17
RSJake: Fawn 6 11x17
RSJake: Fawn 2 11x17
RSJake: Fawn 1 11x17