Anthony.Amore: I think the wrong outfits was put on for the job
Anthony.Amore: Following the ️ always comes the ⛅
Anthony.Amore: The morning water is a bit chilly but so refreshing.
dariusthiel: Shower
Paxton Larix: 1b2f7b8b9b5c7ec8a1505277c7818a18
Paxton Larix: 5c3e5b5e1e0927e6965943a349894e75
Paxton Larix: 60f128b1c80342ed28444642fc498547
Paxton Larix: be21653c699b4dd083472e15cf0a1da5
marktzot: JohnMichael and Nils 11-4-24
marktzot: Stretch
marktzot: Pulling open a curtain
marktzot: No title
marktzot: No title
marktzot: Happy Holidays! Peace Always! Love Always!
Paxton Larix: paxton year end_001
Paxton Larix: paxton year end_006
Paxton Larix: paxtton new year eve_004
dariusthiel: Last Day 2024
Dafydd Lioncourt: Daffy New Year
FALL~: #86
marktzot: Happy New Year, 2025!
Paxton Larix: 1daac15323fa7b2b333fa8ea46afc0ee
Paxton Larix: 2a43e3f962a1aa93e367879ce39a987d
Paxton Larix: a7c5e3005ac38b719b8db540366a0b0d
duszabyingrid: Capture the moment
duszabyingrid: Lighthouse ⚓
duszabyingrid: The Forest🌲
Paxton Larix: pax@Mythos_001
Paxton Larix: pax@Mythos_002