nicacochran: Cactus Wren perched on decayed cholla cactus
nicacochran: Male Gambel's Quail
nicacochran: Juvenile Northern Mockingbird
nicacochran: Rosy Faced Lovebird
nicacochran: White Winged Dove
nicacochran: Brewer's Sparrow
nicacochran: Ash Throated Flycatcher
nicacochran: Curve Billed Thrasher's call to the mountains
nicacochran: Common Raven in flight
nicacochran: House Sparrow
nicacochran: Woodhouse's Scrub Jay
nicacochran: American Crow
nicacochran: California Condor flying across my landscape shot
nicacochran: Dark Eyed Junco
nicacochran: Rock Pigeon
nicacochran: Grackle Silhouette
nicacochran: White Crowned Sparrow
nicacochran: Streak-Backed Oriole
nicacochran: Anna's Hummingbird
nicacochran: Gila Woodpecker feeling camera shy
nicacochran: Northern Mockingbird
nicacochran: Verdin peeking through leaves and branches
nicacochran: House Finch
nicacochran: American Pekin preening
nicacochran: Broad-Billed Hummingbird
nicacochran: American Coot
nicacochran: Anna's Hummingbird perched in the canopy of a flower bush - I wonder what he dreams?
nicacochran: Male Mallard Duck
nicacochran: Long Billed Dowitcher
nicacochran: Northern Mockingbird