plvzin°F: discover vertigomoon nº2
plvzin°F: discover vertigomoon nº3
plvzin°F: Meaning of the summer…
plvzin°F: The leaves which is merely blue there
plvzin°F: I become the shade of a tree
plvzin°F: I don't have my shadow
plvzin°F: bentann f.64/8
plvzin°F: bentann f.64/2
plvzin°F: 3watertank1
plvzin°F: winter scene #
plvzin°F: winter scene #3
plvzin°F: winter scene #2
plvzin°F: Slope to the moon
plvzin°F: Slope to the moon
plvzin°F: Private room
plvzin°F: Monk
plvzin°F: Havana boy
plvzin°F: in post-sixties
plvzin°F: tranquillity
plvzin°F: Melville
plvzin°F: Monsieur bon bon
plvzin°F: Pincubizum