artnotartist: abaporu
artnotartist: Monotone
artnotartist: Monotone
artnotartist: Cold colors test
artnotartist: Cold colors test
artnotartist: Blue day dream
artnotartist: Blue day dream
artnotartist: Golden day dream
artnotartist: Golden day dream
artnotartist: Golden day dream
artnotartist: Golden day dream
artnotartist: Melting
artnotartist: Self-portrait
artnotartist: Self-portrait
artnotartist: No title
artnotartist: The end of the rainbow Self-portrait
artnotartist: The end of the rainbow Self-portrait
artnotartist: The end of the rainbow Self-portrait
artnotartist: By Arthur Wolkovier
artnotartist: By Arthur Wolkovier
artnotartist: By Breno Barros
artnotartist: By Breno Barros
artnotartist: By Breno Barros
artnotartist: Madonna By Arthur Wolkovier (Larry Anjos as assistant)
artnotartist: Madonna By Arthur Wolkovier (Larry Anjos as assistant)
artnotartist: By Breno Barros
artnotartist: Floating By Arthur Wolkovier (Larry Anjos as assistant)