mari-2007: Old days 1
mari-2007: Old days 3
mari-2007: Old days 2
mari-2007: 五重塔 at Asakusa temple in Tokyo.
mari-2007: Roofs
mari-2007: black house
mari-2007: hydrangea( white and black)
mari-2007: せみの抜け殻 
mari-2007: summer is about to end
mari-2007: Cosmos
mari-2007: pattern
mari-2007: old one
mari-2007: cosmos dancers
mari-2007: lost
mari-2007: old fashion bread
mari-2007: パン食い競争
mari-2007: working
mari-2007: nostalgy
mari-2007: 永源寺#12
mari-2007: same place same tree
mari-2007: My husband's grand parents and father.
mari-2007: energy of the nature