Stoil Ivanov: American Kestrel with a mouse
Stoil Ivanov: American Kestrel with Vole
Stoil Ivanov: Robber Fly
Stoil Ivanov: IMG_4062
Stoil Ivanov: Mississippi Kite
Stoil Ivanov: Downy Woodpecker - Picoides pubescens
Stoil Ivanov: White-breasted Nuthatch (Sitta carolinensis )
Stoil Ivanov: Northern saw-whet owl & mouse
Stoil Ivanov: Northern hawk-owl & prey
Stoil Ivanov: Horned Grebe with Round goby
Stoil Ivanov: Robber Fly Eating Yellow Jacket
Stoil Ivanov: Familiar Bluet with prey
Stoil Ivanov: Flag-tailed Spinyleg- Dromogomphus spoliatus
Stoil Ivanov: Hanging Thief with Damselfly
Stoil Ivanov: Crab spider with a Robber fly
Stoil Ivanov: Jagged Ambush Bugs with Ground Hornet
Stoil Ivanov: Wasp ( Prionyx) with grasshopper
Stoil Ivanov: Podalonia with prey
Stoil Ivanov: Robber fly with a prey - Proctacanthella - Male
Stoil Ivanov: Proctacanthus milbertii with Common buckeye
Stoil Ivanov: Robber Fly with grasshopper
Stoil Ivanov: Robber fly with Bald-faced hornet
Stoil Ivanov: Ammophila with prey
Stoil Ivanov: Podalonia - Cutworm Wasp
Stoil Ivanov: Robber fly with grasshopper
Stoil Ivanov: Bembix Sand Wasp with prey
Stoil Ivanov: Spider wasp with spider
Stoil Ivanov: Episyron quinquenotatus with spider
Stoil Ivanov: Spider wasp with prey
Stoil Ivanov: Ammophila pictipennis with prey