lotteworld9876: A harbor seal near Boston, MA
lotteworld9876: Chipmunk at Lake Hibiscus
lotteworld9876: Eastern gray squirrel
lotteworld9876: Chipmunk at Jamaica Pond
lotteworld9876: Red-eared slider digging with hind legs
lotteworld9876: American bison grazing on Antelope Island
lotteworld9876: Bison fight
lotteworld9876: American bison cleaning his nose with tung
lotteworld9876: Backlit squirrel
lotteworld9876: Eastern gray squirrel at Scarboro Pond
lotteworld9876: Raccoon sleeping on the street
lotteworld9876: Confused squirrel?
lotteworld9876: Bison grazing on winter grass
lotteworld9876: Coyote (Juvenile)
lotteworld9876: Adult Coyote
lotteworld9876: Hey, I was here first. Don't give me a dirty look!