Uncle.Owl: Bald Eagle
Uncle.Owl: Least Sandpiper
Uncle.Owl: Least Sandpiper
Uncle.Owl: Long-billed Curlew
Uncle.Owl: Yellow-headed Blackbird
Uncle.Owl: Franklin's Gull
Uncle.Owl: Raven hassling Harrier
Uncle.Owl: Northern Harrier
Uncle.Owl: Northern Harrier
Uncle.Owl: Wood Duck
Uncle.Owl: Common Yellowthroat
Uncle.Owl: Bewick's Wren
Uncle.Owl: Wood Ducks
Uncle.Owl: Great Blue Heron with mouse
Uncle.Owl: Awwwww!
Uncle.Owl: Merlin
Uncle.Owl: White-winged Scoter
Uncle.Owl: Common Loon
Uncle.Owl: Common Loon with fish
Uncle.Owl: Killdeer
Uncle.Owl: Gull
Uncle.Owl: Gull
Uncle.Owl: Gull and jumping fish
Uncle.Owl: Harlequin Duck