1987porsche944: Garden Overlooking the Chesapeake Bay
1987porsche944: Tents by the battlefield
1987porsche944: Rounding up the troops
1987porsche944: Row of tents for Infantry
1987porsche944: Playing violin in camp
1987porsche944: British Redcoats prepping for battle
1987porsche944: Camp Scene
1987porsche944: The British preparing for battle
1987porsche944: Canon staged by tents
1987porsche944: One of the American reenactors explains the canon
1987porsche944: Business end of the 3# canon
1987porsche944: Kid stoking the fire
1987porsche944: Women in camp
1987porsche944: It's exhausting being a Redcoat
1987porsche944: Marching into formation
1987porsche944: Awaiting review/inspection
1987porsche944: Passing review inspection
1987porsche944: British marching onto the battlefield
1987porsche944: Explaining what is going on
1987porsche944: British silhouettes
1987porsche944: Americans in the trenches
1987porsche944: Caught the muzzle flashes
1987porsche944: Firing the canon
1987porsche944: American fighting in a line
1987porsche944: British Casualty Left Behind
1987porsche944: Behind American lines
1987porsche944: Here comes the cavalry
1987porsche944: The Cavalry harasses the British troops
1987porsche944: Victory as the British retreat