1987porsche944: "The leaves of memory seemed to make A mournful rustling in the dark."
1987porsche944: "I am never so frightened as when every thing is still."
1987porsche944: "Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing, Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortals ever dared to dream before;"
1987porsche944: "Night, like a giant, fills the church, from pavement to roof, and holds dominion through the silent hours."
1987porsche944: ". . . there was no gleam, no shadow, for the heavens, too, were one still, pale cloud; no sound or motion in anything but the dark river that flowed and moaned like an unresting sorrow."
1987porsche944: "The goblins of her fancy lurked in every shadow about her, reaching out their cold, fleshless hands to grasp the terrified small girl who had called them into being."
1987porsche944: "An evening wind uprose too, and the slighter branches cracked and rattled as they moved, in skeleton dances, to its moaning music."
1987porsche944: Me at the Fountain of Death
1987porsche944: Fall colors and roller coaster, a still life.