1987porsche944: Over the belly of the beast
1987porsche944: Hell's Half Acre
1987porsche944: American midwest
1987porsche944: Clouds march on
1987porsche944: Mountains approaching
1987porsche944: There's a moon out tonight
1987porsche944: Swetsville Zoo, next exit
1987porsche944: Swetsville Zoo clapboard barn
1987porsche944: Owl gazebo
1987porsche944: Welcome to the Swetsville Zoo!
1987porsche944: Snoopy and Woodstock
1987porsche944: Young metal love
1987porsche944: Close up to the dragon
1987porsche944: Cowboy martian
1987porsche944: Monica who?
1987porsche944: Hitchhiker with boom box
1987porsche944: Humpty Dumpties
1987porsche944: Dinosaur against the trees
1987porsche944: Chicken!
1987porsche944: In the mouth of madness
1987porsche944: Dinosaur Kit
1987porsche944: Two headed dragon
1987porsche944: Loopy golfer
1987porsche944: Detail of golfer's face
1987porsche944: Colt Revolvers
1987porsche944: Banging the gong
1987porsche944: Owl conductor
1987porsche944: Centipede sticking out his tongue at me
1987porsche944: Happy fisherman