SWeingold33: Each bag just under the 50lb limit
SWeingold33: We may have been a little early
SWeingold33: Starting the journey the right way
SWeingold33: The epitome of this generation
SWeingold33: Massive Airbus A380 spotted at Dulles
SWeingold33: Gorgeous Airbus A380 at Dulles
SWeingold33: The Rockies on our way to San Francisco
SWeingold33: Rockies on our way to San Francisco
SWeingold33: Waiting for our flight from SF to Sydney
SWeingold33: Interesting mountains right next to SFO
SWeingold33: At SFO, unexpected classic Harley
SWeingold33: At SFO, unexpected classic Harley
SWeingold33: Soothing light inside the Boeing 777
SWeingold33: Almost 15 hour flight to Sydney
SWeingold33: Approach to Sydney
SWeingold33: Sunrise approach to Sydney
SWeingold33: Final flight of the journey
SWeingold33: No Cricket bats allowed on the flight, unfortunately
SWeingold33: Sisters first hug
SWeingold33: Sisters first pose
SWeingold33: Chauffeur Brian, stick shift on the left!
SWeingold33: First view of the Indian Ocean on our way from the airport
SWeingold33: Carson <3
SWeingold33: Kookaburra
SWeingold33: Second sister pose... Post flight walk out to the Ocean
SWeingold33: Beautiful walk from their house
SWeingold33: Bentley back deck, a haven of tranquility (aside from the crows)
SWeingold33: Kimberly's take on the Outlook calendar
SWeingold33: Another view of the Bentley back deck
SWeingold33: Magpie